Sunday, December 28, 2014

Deacon Michael DeVivo's Homily for the Holy Family 2014

Homily for the Feast of the Most Holy Family 2014
(Text Only)
Today is the Feast of the Holy Family and the great lesson of today is that Jesus chose to be mothered into humanity, to be conceived in Mary's womb. 
He came to be among us and to be part of a Family, so we could become part of the Heavenly Family by becoming a child of God.
We are all children of parents. We are all brothers, sisters, or cousins; we belong to a parish family. We are all family.
The Holy Family is an example for us to follow:
The Letters in F – A – M – I – L – Y give us clues!
1. First letter is “F”. 
To be a holy family – it has to be filled with Faith and it has to be filled with Forgiveness!
2. The second letter is “A” –
Ask yourself how you are giving to each member of your family the – Attention, Affection, and Affirmation they each need.
As a Family we need to make time for each other, give Hugs and Kisses, and Affirm each member with Acceptance and Appreciation and this begins in our family – as we are – not as we hope it to be.
3. The next letter is “M”
The letter M in Family also reminds us that we need to make family Memories!
Building and sharing traditions are so important from generation to generation.
We have to make Memories! Having dinner together, special moments, and joyful times together.
Remember Material things do not matter – Memories do!
4. The next letter is “I”.
Families that are holy have to be filled with Intimacy. You know what intimacy means. “In To Me See.” That means we really need to look into each other!
We need to respect and appreciate the Individuality of each person. See inside the person.
5. The next letter is “L.” that is Love.
Jessica - age 8: "'You really shouldn't say 'I love you' unless you mean it. But if you mean it, you should say it a lot. People forget."
Make sure you Love Deeply, Love Generosity, and Love Joyfully.
Be a person of love first!  Jesus said “Love one another as I have loved you.”
6. Finally, the last letter is “Y.” You - It’s all about you – it’s not about me!
Somewhere in our lives, if we are going to be a holy family – we have to make sure
Each member of the family becomes more important than me – I put their needs before mine.
The New Year begins this week.
Say “this year will be the year for my family, and I am going to select at least one letter in the word Family to make my family holier."
God wants your family to become an amazing work of art that shows His face of love to the world.
May each of you know His love today and forever.
Have a very Blessed Christmas Season and Happy New Year!
Praise be Baby Jesus, Now and Forever, Amen! 

1 comment:

  1. Awesome message. Thank you. Our prayers are with and your family in this trying time.
