Saturday, June 22, 2019

Sign-up for FLOCKNOTE

We Need Your Help
Many of you are not receiving the Flocknotes that we are sending out. Please check your Email and Spam to be sure that you received the TEST EMAIL.
The Email was entitiled “Saint Patrick York” and contains the email address of: “” Please be sure to check your Spam and also add our Flocknote Address to your email to be received.

With Phase 2 of our Parish Campaign (Upgrading of Interior of our Church) starting on Monday June 24th, it is important that we keep you posted on Parish Construction and Activities.
If you are not currently a member of Flocknote you can sign-up by using one of these options:
Text “saint1776” to 84576
or Click Image below:
Remember, this is not a lifetime commitment as you can unsubscribe at any time!
Any questions please let Deacon Michael know at or 717-347-7350 

Monday, June 17, 2019



Our Bulletin for June 9th contains an article on the current status of our Diocesan Campaign: 
Click Here to Read Bulletin Page 3

Our Parish 2019 Assessment is $111,400 and so far $37,000 has been pledged to meet this commitment.

We ask that you prayerfully reflect on how together we can provide for the on-going needs of our Diocese and Parish.

To Contribute, Please use one of these Options:·
Fill out Form from the Church or Click Here
and place in Collection or mail to Terry
 Fenstermacher in Parish Office. 
On-Line Via: Click on Link below:

Parish On-Line Giving Program

Diocese On-Line Donation Program

Thank you for your Prayerful Consideration!