Sunday, February 25, 2018

You Are My Beloved

Homily for 2nd Sunday of Lent

You are God’s Beloved Child!
Please take these words to heart. They are powerful. 
Perhaps you have not thought about being a Beloved Child of God. Yet, God the Father desires for You to know that You are indeed deeply loved.
You and I are a part of God’s love story. He has shared His life with us and desires for us to experience His never-ending love. 
The truth of the matter is that you are wonderful! You are amazingly and wonderfully made by an unspeakably great Creator. You are God’s beloved child.

Pope Francis once said, "Lord, I want to love You, but teach me… the difficult habit of letting myself be loved by You, to feel You close and feel Your tenderness! May the Lord give us this grace.”

Sunday, February 18, 2018

Rite of Election - St. Patrick Cathedral

This afternoon, I had the privilege of accompanying our two Catechumens to the Rite of Election with Bishop Ronald Gainer at St. Patrick Cathedral in Harrisburg.

Our two Catechumens are Don Portner and Yanzhe Sun (nickname Sunny) who will be receive the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist) at our Easter Vigil on March 31st.
Pictures show Don and Yanzhe (Sunny) with Bishop Gainer, Don with his Godparent, Patrick Fitzgerald, Sunny with her Godparent, Deacon Michael, and pictures of Cathedral.

Please keep Don and Yanzhe (Sunny) in your prayers this Lent as they prepare for the Easter Vigil. 
Yanzhe Sun pronounces her name – Yen-sa Soon.

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Lent - 40 Days of Renewal

"Capital Campaign Corner - February 2018"

February 04, 2018

(Click Here)

(Print Card, place it in Envelope and put into 
Collection Basket at Mass or Mail to:
St. Patrick Church
219 S. Beaver Street
York, PA 17401)

Why are we having a Capital Campaign?
What are the 3 Phases of our Campaign?
How Can You help Your Parish?