Sunday, February 8, 2015

Homily for the 5th Sunday of Ordinary Time 2015

Homily for the Fifth Sunday of Ordinary Time
          “If I preach the gospel, this is no reason for me to boast, for an obligation has been imposed on me, and woe to me if I do not preach it!”  Saint Paul in writing to the people of Corinth shares with them that he has been given an obligation to preach the Gospel.  We share in that obligation, however we aren’t necessarily called to preach it…we are called to live it. 
          Living the Gospel is important especially in today’s day and age because when we live the Gospel we make the healing presence of Christ known to others in an often times broken world.  Our responsorial psalm, “Praise the Lord, who heals the broken hearted.”  It’s a true statement; the Lord has the power to bring healing.  He desires to heal us.  Our Lord wants to grasp us by the hand; in fact He reaches out to us.  The problem is individuals don’t stretch out their hands in return.  They pull back, which is why more people succumb to the weight of their burdens and can’t find the strength to get back up.
          Each one of us here struggles with something.  We all have our demons, our temptations.  Are we reaching out to the Lord especially in those times when we feel overwhelmed?  It is important for us to do that because in order for us to live the Gospel we ourselves must open our hearts to the healing power of Christ.  We need to reach out to Him and experience it.  Now that doesn’t mean our burdens and struggles will go completely away, for that might be a cross we might be asked to carry, however we will be able to get back up each time lifting that weight and continue on our journey. 
          This week I challenge each of us to invite others to encounter Christ.  Invite…don’t force.  Extend the invitation, especially to someone you know in your family or circle of friends who are struggling.  Invite them to Church which is the hospital for sinners or if they are unable to come ask them if they are open to a visit from the deacon/priest or minister for those not of the Catholic faith.  Those who are unable to come to Church are often times afraid to ask for a visit for two reasons…they don’t want to bother the clergy or because they have been away for so long. 

Once again the Lord desires to drive out our demons and heal our afflictions.  Open your hearts to His healing grace and in our encounters with others invite them to open their hearts to it as well.  The more we allow ourselves to trust in the Lord, the happier we will be in life.  

1 comment:

  1. Life is full of many challenges. Challenges that will make you or break you depending on how you handle it. Visit my site for more updates. God Bless to your site.
