Update as of July 1st
Each Diocesan Parish contributes to the Campaign based on an Annual Assessment of normal Parish Operations.
As of July 1st: 176 people have pledged $69,762 and paid $55,107 towards our Diocesan 2019 Assessment. This is a $32,762 increase from our end of May figures and is greatly appreciated.
We have now reached 63% toward our Assessment of $111,400 — We Thank You very much. Please keep in mind any short-fall must come from our Parish’s Operating Funds, and may impact our on-going Parish Operations.
We have now reached 63% toward our Assessment of $111,400 — We Thank You very much. Please keep in mind any short-fall must come from our Parish’s Operating Funds, and may impact our on-going Parish Operations.
To Contribute, Please use one of these Options:·
Fill out Form from Brenner Hall or
Click Here
and place in Collection or mail to Terry Fenstermacher in Parish Office.
On-Line Via: Click on Link below:
Fill out Form from Brenner Hall or
Click Here
and place in Collection or mail to Terry Fenstermacher in Parish Office.
On-Line Via: Click on Link below:
We ask that you prayerfully reflect on how together we can provide for the on-going needs of our Parish and Diocese.