Sunday, August 26, 2018

“Do you want to leave me, too? - Why I am Catholic

We can hear the pain in Jesus’ question:
“Do you want to leave me, too?”

I am Catholic because of Jesus. I know that life without Jesus lacks meaningful purpose; it lacks true direction, and I cannot imagine life without Jesus...

Saturday, August 25, 2018

Capital Campaign - August 2018


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Campaign CornerWeekly Bulletin Features
Campaign Work ProjectsList of Active Projects
Information & Photos
Aug 26, 2018

Aug 12, 2018

Aug 05, 2018

Aug 03, 2018 Catholic Witness Article

(Click Here)

(Print Card, place it in Envelope and put into 
Collection Basket at Mass or Mail to:
St. Patrick Church
219 S. Beaver Street
York, PA 17401)

Why are we having a Capital Campaign?
What are the 3 Phases of our Campaign?
How Can You help Your Parish?

Sunday, August 19, 2018

Jesus is saying - This is Enough

Jesus is looking at us and His Church from the Cross and saying “This is Enough.” Jesus is shining His Light on the Darkness to bring Renewal, Cleansing and Healing to His Church and a returning to Him, in His Divine Mercy and Love.
Jesus says yes that is who I am, “the living bread that came down from heaven.” And I hide behind My humanity. I am God made Man.
Today we sit at the feet of Jesus, who is present to us. We come to listen to Him, learn from Him, be fed by Him, and unite ourselves to Him.

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Campaign of Prayer and Fasting

In the coming days we invite the faithful to join us in a week of prayer and fasting by offering our prayers to bring healing for all survivors of abuse, their families, the Church and the whole world.

Click Here for Suggested Resources.