Monday, June 18, 2018

Seeking Seed Planters

Jesus gives a beautiful image of a man who plants seed and slowly it sprouts, grows and produces fruit, and He “knows not how.” I wonder if we stop and think about the seeds that are planted and grow within our Parish. Seeds are planted, and we know not how they grow, but only see the fruit they bear.

Review the Pastoral Council Missions and Chairpersons listed below, and the Ministries within each Mission and see where God may be calling you to serve Him. The truth is that each one of us is packed with unbelievable potential that God wants to bring to fruition. He wants to bring forth from our lives glorious blessings for our Parish. All we must do is allow Him to work.

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Parish Missions and Ministries
Click Title to View Ministries within a Mission
Social Concerns & Outreach

View Fr. Carroll's Reflection
"Branching Out Into the World"

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Capital Campaign - June 2018


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Campaign CornerWeekly Bulletin Features
Campaign Work ProjectsList of Active Projects
Information & Photos
(Click Here)

(Print Card, place it in Envelope and put into 
Collection Basket at Mass or Mail to:
St. Patrick Church
219 S. Beaver Street
York, PA 17401)

Why are we having a Capital Campaign?
What are the 3 Phases of our Campaign?
How Can You help Your Parish?

Saturday, June 2, 2018

Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ

The Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus Christ, our Lord and God!

When you love someone, you want to be a part of their life. Love seeks a union of heart, mind, soul, and life with your beloved.

Reflect upon how God feels about us, His Beloved Sons and Daughters. Think of how Jesus felt hanging on the Cross, the love He has for us.

The Eucharist is a simple, but genius means for God to provide us a way to come into communion with Him, to join with Him, to become more like Him. 

The Eucharist is everything.  It’s all things, the fullness of Life, Love, Eternal Salvation, Mercy, Grace, Happiness, etc. Simply put, the Eucharist IS God.  Therefore, the Eucharist is all that God is.

The Eucharist is the only way in which we truly receive Jesus fully into our body and soul, as Saint Paul says, we have “a participation in the blood of Christ…” and “a participation in the body of Christ…”

The precious Body and Blood of Christ in the Eucharist is not a mere symbol – it is God, in the flesh. It is the ultimate Fatherly hug and embrace, the ultimate act of Love. His Kiss, a sacrament in which He gives us His total self, Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity.

When you receive the Eucharist, envision Jesus embracing you and giving you all that you need from the inside out.