Sunday, November 26, 2017

"Capital Campaign Corner - November"

November 26, 2017

November 19, 2017

November 12, 2017
Why We’re Here
It was Monsignor Brenner — his genuine, warm smile. He called us by name even though at the time we were members of another parish.  It was the beauty of the newly redecorated church. Now it's the people — the nod of recognition from the ushers when arriving for Sunday Mass, mingling with new and old friends as we leave and the sense of fellowship that comes from serving as a Minister of Holy Communion, Lector or member of the Choir.
November 5, 2017
Why We’re Here
When we moved to York in 2004, we decided to check out the four parishes.  We came to St. Patrick’s first.  I was so blown over by the architecture – after years in ugly modern churches – that I told Silvia, “Unless they do something really weird at Mass, this is it.”  We are still here.

(Click Image Above)

(Print Card, place it in Envelope and put into 
Collection Basket at Mass or Mail to:
St. Patrick Church
219 S. Beaver Street
York, PA 17401)

Why are we having a Capital Campaign?
What are the 3 Phases of our Campaign?
How Can You help Your Parish?

Monday, November 20, 2017

THEN + NOW Project

St. Patrick Church and School have a long history in Downtown York. As we prepare to celebrate our 120th Anniversary, it is our wish to share this wonderful history with our people and students of St. Patrick Parish, School and Religious Education Program.

The “Then and Now Project” is reaching out to you - the Priests, Nuns, Parishioners, Lay Teachers, Staff, and Alumni of the past for you to share your thoughts and memories of your time at St. Patrick Church or School. Your stories, pictures or other memories you wish to share are greatly appreciated. Consider a special mass, a funny moment in the classroom, your First Holy Communion, sports, weddings, holidays or anything else that comes to mind. 

Please submit pictures/stories to Joe Stein @ or mail to
St. Patrick Church,
Attn: Joe Stein at 219 South Beaver St. York, PA 17401 by
January 15, 2018.

On the Then + Now Project