Wednesday, October 29, 2014


From a Homily on Oct 19th:

Then repay to Caesar what belongs to Caesar 
and to God what belongs to God."
(MT 22:-21)
Some interpret Today's Gospel as dealing with the separation between Church and State, while others focus on We belong to God.  Therefore we should give ourselves 100% to God.
The first thing we should note is that the question put to Jesus was meant to trap Him not seek His wisdom.
The Pharisees hated the Roman tax. The Herodians, those Jews who supported the Roman puppet King Herod, supported the tax. Both these groups hated each other, but they joined together to trap Jesus for their own reasons.
As Jews, both these groups should have rejected graven images as violations of the First Commandment.  But Jesus asks them for a coin, which they gave Him.
It is Important to Note that both they and Jesus were in the Temple area when this incident took place. Note, too, that the Roman coin had the carved image of the infamous Tiberius Caesar.
No good Jew would be caught with such a coin on the Temple’s grounds, the holiest site in all of Judaism.
Whose image do others see when they look at our life? When people see us, do they see Jesus engraved upon us? To the extent that they do, that's the extent to which we belong to the Kingdom of God.
So these questions remain: What is Caesar’s, and what is God’s?
Is there anything at all that is not God’s – is there anything at all in human activity that does not stand under God’s judgment? Are we, as modern day Americans, exempting anything from God’s attention?
Jesus’ response indicates that one’s citizenship does not have to be at odds with one’s faith; in fact, when government seeks to provide for the just welfare of its citizens, it becomes a vehicle for establishing the reign of God.
In the United States we have benefited from separation of church and state. We have a democracy, not a theocracy, and that has served us well. We have freedom of religion.
But where is it written that freedom of religion means freedom from religion? Are people of faith obliged not to express their beliefs and put them into practice in the public domain?
We must remember that while rendering to Caesar what is Caesar’s, we must still render to God what is God’s.
Does God have expectations of us with regard to our civic order? Are our public policies to be exercised freed from God’s norms and apart from God’s will?
Freedom of religion isn’t confined to how one worships on Sunday. People of belief should be able to practice in public what they belief in Sunday worship.
Thomas Jefferson and many of our founding forbearers clearly held to the position that we must be a moral nation if our republic is to endure.
The founders of our nation had strong religious beliefs and they founded our nation on firmly held positions that derived from their faith in God.
Our Creator, they declared, endows us with unalienable human rights.
Abraham Lincoln, in his monumental effort to preserve our union repeatedly appealed to God in his famous and powerful speeches.
None of these men would subscribe to the notion that freedom of religion means freedom from religion in our civic life and in the fabric of our republic.
What, then, is Caesar’s and what is God’s? Reasonable people may differ in the application of answers to that question.
However, No matter how much reasonable people may differ, it is unreasonable to assert the notion that our American republic was built on the secularist notion that freedom of religion in these United States means freedom from religion in our public affairs.
God and Caesar do not have to be at odds, Jesus tells the Pharisees.  In God, we realize the dignity of every man, woman and child as sons and daughters of God and our brothers and sisters.
In setting up systems of government, we provide for the common good of one another and protect the welfare of all, providing for public safety, educational opportunities and clean water and air.
What is Caesar’s and what is God’s? The question is just as important to us now as it was when it was put to Jesus.
And so is its answer.
Remember -Your vote matters.
What Belongs to God - You Do!
We Our His Treasure!
In All that we Say and Do,
May Jesus Christ Be Praised, Now and Forever, Amen!

Tuesday, October 28, 2014


Holy Spirit opens up the Meaning of the Readings! 
Reflection by Phil Kelley on being a Lector
It was 1964 and I was 17, a freshman at St. Vincent’s College in Latrobe, Pa.  Like many Catholics away from home for the first time, the temptation not to get up for Sunday Mass was strong.  To combat this temptation I asked to serve as an altar server for the college chapel.  I did not know that the altar server was also the Lector.  In fact it was the first time for me that the priest wasn’t the one doing all the readings.   The priest asked us which one would be the reader?  The other boy said he didn’t want any part of public speaking. 

I can still remember the emotions running through me as I stepped up to the ambo.  I felt so close to the Word of God.  I could feel the expectations of the Mass attendees.  The desire to convey the meaning of the words was intense.   I felt so motivated to be a channel of that Word and I wanted to do a good job.  At the same time I knew that I wasn’t up there for me but to convey the Word of God to the people.   

Every time I proclaim today those emotions revisit me.  My desire is to pass on those emotions through my Readings even today.  To that end I spend time in prayer and reading and rereading the Word until the Holy Spirit opens up the meaning and intent of the Reading. 

Interested in talking with Phil about his ministry? Contact him at 858-9960 or  Is God calling you to become a Lector, contact Phil or Deacon Michael DeVivo at 347-7350 or

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Father Carroll's Homily for the 30th Sunday of Ordinary Time

Homily for the 30th Sunday of Ordinary Time
         “I love you Lord, my strength.”  When was the last time we stopped to tell the Lord we love Him?   How do we express our love for the Lord? 
         Think about how we express our love for those individuals in our lives...our spouses, our children, our grandchildren, other close relatives and friends.  Many times we use the words, “I love you” to express our affection for them.  Yet those words, powerful as they may be, are not always enough. It is important for us to demonstrate our love.  What does  true love look like?  For the answer we turn to our first reading from the Book of Exodus where it says “If you lend money to one of your poor neighbors among my people, you shall not act like an extortioner toward him by demanding interest from him.”  Love can be described as a free expression of ourselves offering freely something in which we do not expect something in return.  It is not a loan, there is no collecting of interests or any strings attached to it.
         As the Lord loved us by laying down His life, He reminds us in today's Gospel that we are called to love.  He responds to the Pharisees challenge by saying “You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.  This is the greatest and the first commandment.  The second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself.  The whole law and the prophets depend on these two commandments.”  Indeed it does, everything hinges on love. 
         All too often we are looking for things in return.  If that is the case, stop it!   Don't put conditions on love.  This week lets challenge ourselves to look for ways we can demonstrate love.  Certainly we can always look for more ways we can express our love for those closest to us, but look for ways in which you can demonstrate love for someone else...someone we may not know.  It's easier to express love to those closest to us, but the Gospel calls us to branch out.  Keep in mind when we demonstrate love for others, we are showing our love to the Lord. 

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Adult Help is Needed for Fan the Fire

Our 16th annual Fan the Fire Youth Rally sponsored by St. Joseph & St. Patrick Parishes will be held on Saturday, November 15. Every year around 600 young people in grades 8-12 and their chaperones from all over our diocese (and several states) attend this event! We cannot hold this event each year without the help of about 50 adults willing to help either all-day or for one of our teams. We still need people to help with our Check-in Team from 8:00am-10:00am, our Dinner Team from 3:00pm-7:00pm, our Clean-Up Team from 6:00pm-8:00pm, our First-Aid Team from 8:00am-8:00pm (medical professionals only, please, in 2-4 hour shifts), and our LOGISTICS Team (either all day or half-day) from 9:00am-9:00pm. What is most needed is people to help ALL DAY (about 25 needed). All day volunteers receive a free Fan the Fire staff T-shirt, free meals and all the coffee you can drink!! If you can help with any of these functions, please contact Scott Anthony in the youth office ASAP!! More details and directions will follow! Thank you and God bless!

Introducing Flocknote

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

One thing every parish or school always looks for ways to better communicate its message.  In the past year we have made great strides entering into social media with  the addition of the parish facebook page, the parish blog, and post recently our twitter page.  Today I am happy to introduce and rollout a new line of communication for our parish called "Flocknote."  Flocknote is a centralized email/text system which is geared to Church organizations.

Now please allow me to address a concern some might have off the bat.  Some might not want to be inundated with more emails or text messages.  When someone registers for "Flocknote" one will automatically be placed in the general email/text folder and once registered will be able to sign up for additional lists.  The general email/text blasts will be used in the following situations

  • for schedule additions or changes (Sent via email/text)
  • reminders for Holy Days of Obligation (Sent via email/text)
  • to collect important data which will be used to help improve our parish and to better serve you. (email blast only)
When you look at the lists you will be able to sign up for a particular ministry.  If you don't find your ministry listed and would like to add it to Flocknote please let me know and I will be happy to set it up for you. 

Registering for Flocknote is simple as 1,2,3.  First you can click the following link and fill out the information

Once you click the link and fill out the information you will need to verify your email address.  For your convenience I have added to the sidebar of the blog a simple way to sign up by putting in your email address.  For those who choose this option when you go into the login screen just type in your email address hit the reset  or create password button and a temporary password will be assigned.  Then type in the password provided and then you will be able to sign in and put in a new password.  Soon as your logged in you will need to verify your email address.  If a link was not sent to you look for the alerts listing and follow the instructions.  You may need to send another verification email to your accounts.  Soon as you receive it click the link and you are good to go.

Finally another way of registering is simply to text "saint1776" to 84576.  You will then receive a text back asking for your email address.  Once you provide your email address you will need to verify it before you will receive emails/texts.

I would strongly encourage you to make sure you sign up to receive text alerts.  Again this will be used sporadically only to keep you informed of IMPORTANT information (mainly last minute schedule additions or cancelations) or reminders of Holy Days of Obligation.  You will not have to worry about being inundated with tons of text messages.  One of the important things to note about Flocknote is that its main purpose is not just another means of communication but also a way for us to call the flock together.  Also with Flocknote we can get information such as RSVPs or poll data from survey questions.

Please consider taking a moment to sign up for Flocknote!


Father C.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Socktober Sucess...

With the help of Saint Patrick School...we were able to donate 460 pair of socks to the York Rescue Mission for those in need.  Pictured below is Joseph Stein one of our second grade students with the socks that we donated to the Rescue Mission! 

We are very blessed with a wonderful Catholic School that not only teaches the Catholic faith but demonstrates how to put it into action. 
Thank you to everyone who donated to this wonderful cause!!!

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Father Carroll's Homily for the 29th Sunday of Ordinary Time 2014

Homily for the 29th Sunday of Ordinary Time

          “Give the Lord glory and honor.”  We are reminded in our readings that God has called us and that in return we should give Him the glory and honor He deserves.  In the verse the responsorial psalm it says “Sing to the LORD a new song; sing to the LORD, all you lands.  Tell his glory among the nations; among all peoples, his wondrous deeds.”  Are we truly singing the praises of the Lord?
          Many times our human tendency is to complain…complain about what is going wrong and about the things we don’t have in our lives?  Instead of complaining give the Lord glory, praise, and honor for the gifts we do have.  Yes things might not be packaged perfectly the way we want, but it’s not about what we want.  We can want a lot of things, stop wanting, and start looking at what we have been given.  He has called each of us for a specific mission, for a specific purpose and with every calling bears a responsibility.  This is what Jesus was trying to get out in today’s Gospel.  He knew that they were trying to trick Him using the coin, so He responds in the way He should, give to Caesar what Caesar’s and give to God what is God’s.

          Yes we have a responsibility to engage society; we have our responsibilities that we must fulfill to our families.  Every calling comes with a responsibility.  Brothers and sisters in our prayers may we pray for the grace to recognize the gifts that God has placed in our lives.  May we stop complaining of what could of, should of, would of and give glory and honor to God for the gifts and blessings He has bestowed in our lives.  

Saturday, October 18, 2014


I want to issue a BIG THANK YOU to all those who came out for today's clean up day at St. Patrick's.  We appreciate all your hard word and dedication in helping us keep our properties maintained.  

Mr. Keith M. Carroll (Father C's dad) working on painting the area around the rectory front door.

Phil Kelly working on trimming a tree

Terri Major working on loading up another barrel full of mulch







$8.00 PER MEAL


2 FOR $15.00

Friday, October 17, 2014


As mentioned in the bulletin tomorrow Saturday October 18th is clean up day!  Please come and park in the upper parking lot (College and George St Lot) at 10am.  Many hands make light work.  Thank you to all those who will help volunteer to help beautify our parish grounds!!!



Our first parent meeting is scheduled for WEDNESDAY , October 22 at 7 PM in the cafeteria. Important information will be shared at this time. We ask that you make every effort to attend. Any questions, contact Sue Varholy. (854-6653 or

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Images from the Blessing of Animals which took place on Monday October 6th

On Monday October 6th in the afternoon two days following the memorial of Saint Francis of Assisi, the Saint Patrick School Community gathered in the grassy lot for the blessing of animals.  The Saint Patrick School Community either brought their animals or pictures of their animals for Father Carroll to bless.  From the pictures you will see that it was a beautiful day to honor the Lord's creation. 

What Every Catholic Needs to Know about Annulments

This Sunday October 19 at 6:45 p.m.
Confused by what you know about marriage annulments?  Frustrated by what you don’t know?  Many Myths abound, so please come and learn more about this merciful and healing ministry of the Church, so you can spread the word to others.

Tom Meister, a volunteer case assessor for the Diocesan Tribunal, will give you the information you need to know, and Donna Giberti will speak about her experience of the healing and mercy afforded by the annulment process, on Sunday, October 19 at 6:45 p.m. in St. Patrick Church.

Time for questions and answers will follow.  For further information please call Tom Meister at 858-1127 or e-mail


The “Whine” and Cheese Parent Nights begin a new session on Wednesday, November 12 from 7:00-9:00pm in the youth room at St. Joseph. W&C Nights are open to parents with children ANY AGE and is sponsored by the youth ministry office. We meet for wine, cheeses, crackers, desserts, fresh fruit, various coffees, fellowship, discussion, prayer and support! This year we will meet on the 2nd Wednesday of the month through May 2015. We will be using the book Back to the Family: Proven Advice on Building a Stronger, Healthier, Happier Family by Dr. Ray Guarendi to guide our discussion. Cost of the book is only $20.00. If you plan on joining us this year, please email Scott Anthony in the youth office byOctober 31, 2014 at: We hope you can join us!!

Wednesday, October 15, 2014



We've all been there. Someone we love has died ... or someone we love has just lost a loved one. It may have been expected and a long time in coming, or it may have been sudden and out of the blue. It doesn't matter - it's still a shock to our system. It still sends us reeling to some degree. While we try to move through the days, weeks or months of grief that come with loss, each of us needs support. We need to know we are not alone. We need people who are willing to be present to us in our bereavement.

Bereavement ministry. That's what it's called. It's multifaceted and takes different forms to cover a myriad of needs: a dinner casserole, a kind word or hug, a listening ear, promise of prayer. You don't have to do anything on a grand scale and you don't need to be eloquent or have  just the 'right' words to say: there are no ‘right’ words. The one constant in all of this, the one thing each of us can offer, is compassion.

As a pastoral musician, I am acutely aware of one particular place where that support is needed: at the funeral liturgy. Families gathering for the funeral come in all configurations. Some are quite large while others are very small; some are strongly Catholic, some, not so much; in some cases, there are family members who have been estranged from the Church for years and this funeral is their first time back. For some people, the beauty of the liturgy and the support they experience during it may be enough to make them want to reconnect with their original roots. In many cases, the grief they are feeling can even make them forget what they’re supposed to do – when to sit, stand or kneel. Prayers they pray almost automatically at other times, escape them.  Hymns they’ve chosen for the liturgy and fully intended to sing get caught in their throat by emotion. It’s impossible to participate in Mass ‘as usual’. At some funerals, the only voices that can be heard are those of the priest and musicians through the microphones.

This is where you come in. Could you make it part of your gift to the Lord to be part of this aspect of bereavement ministry? Could you plan to support our grieving brothers and sister by attending and participating in as many funerals as possible? Some of our parishioners already do this; many others would be a great help. There are no rehearsals … no need climb choir loft steps … nothing ‘special’ to do … no sign-up sheets. Just come to the funeral. Sit at least two-thirds of the way toward the front, so that family and friends of the deceased can sense your prayerful presence and see when you kneel, sit and stand. Sing the hymns, pray the prayers and responses, and offer condolences when you can.

If this sounds like something you are able to do, thank you. Your gift of time and presence to those who are grieving is a true treasure. You will be living out the Corporal Work of Mercy, “Bury the Dead” and two Spiritual Works of Mercy, “Comfort the Sorrowful” and “Pray for the Living and the Dead”. May God bless you for your gift of self to Him.

Submitted by Libby Lynch, Director of Pastoral Music for Saint Patrick Church in York, Pennsylvania

Monday, October 13, 2014

Volunteer Profile----the MCKEAGUE FAMILY


I had never paid much attention to the restrooms in Brenner Hall prior to my children entering school. When my son started playing basketball for the parish and I began spending a lot more time in the building, it was apparent that the restrooms were in need of help. The floor was painted red, the walls were yellow/gold, the stalls were a 70's gold and the counter was yet a third shade of yellow!  I decided then to offer our assistance and make this a "McKeague Family Project”. We began scrubbing the walls and stalls in the daytime. The kids were always excited to tell their dad what work we accomplished while he was at work. Next, we moved to priming the walls. The kids had a great time helping with that. We all worked together on a few weekends to accomplish our goal before the start of the new school year. Unfortunately, my mother's health worsened and I had to put the finishing touches on hold. Thankfully, Mary Elizabeth Muir put out a "call for help" to some of our parishioners and within a few days the project was officially complete. Howard Supplee was a true blessing to me as he helped immensely with the application of the new floor surface. Painting those stalls was certainly a tedious job but one that came with great satisfaction when we were able to see the finished project. The kids were amazed at the difference and very proud that they had something to do with the improvement. Being able to help the parish and school with this project meant a lot to us.

Volunteer activities:
Sean (11 yrs. old ) has been an altar server since he was 8 and thoroughly enjoys it.  During her 3rd grade year, Kathleen asked her teacher if she and some other students could spend some of their recess time each week picking up litter in the church parking lot. I have been on the School Board for several years, my husband and I volunteer at our children's basketball games in Brenner Hall and I have worked with the SCRIP program for the last 4 years. We encourage our children to be helpful but it is always better for them to learn by example.  

Words of wisdom for those of you who would like to help….look around, talk with Fr. Carroll, consult Mrs. Smith, check in with the parish office staff. Express your desire to help with your time, talent or financial assistance.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Homily for the 28th Sunday of Ordinary Time

Homily for the 28th Sunday of Ordinary Time

           “On this mountain the LORD of hosts will provide for all peoples.” As we listen to the first lines from today’s first reading from the prophet Isaiah we are reminded that the Lord will provide for us. In everything it is important for us as His people to know that God will provide for us all the time.             

          Perhaps at times it might not be what we want, but He does give us what we need. Our Lord provides for us opportunities to put our faith into practice. As I noted in my pastoral reflection this weekend sometimes things will seem in abundance and in other times we will be “working hard to keep things together.” Saint Paul letter to the Philippians reechoes the words of the prophet Isaiah when He says, “My God will fully supply whatever you need, in accord with his glorious riches in Christ Jesus.” Yes brothers and sisters the Lord provides for all of us in good times and in bad. 

           All last month we spoke on the theme “Labor of Love,” and we focused on our talent, our time, and our treasure. I do what to take this opportunity to say one more thing focusing on the word stewardship. Stewardship is defined in the Merrian-Webster dictionary as “the conducting, supervising, or managing of something; especially: the careful and responsible management of something entrusted to one's care.” It is important for us to be careful, responsibly manage, and utilize the gifts that God has given us. Together we know the challenges and difficulties of a steward. It is difficult and it’s easy for us to get off track.          

          How are we being good stewards of the gifts God has provided? As your pastor entrusted with the task of caring for and managing the gifts of the parish, how am I being a steward of those gifts? To assist me in the management of the temporal gifts of the parish I am assisted by the Parish Finance Council whose advice and recommendations I take seriously. Before a single protect is initiated, it is taken to them for advice and counsel. Of course there is sometimes emergency expenditures and in those rare circumstances I would send notice saying this is what is being done and why. Yes the financial council is only advisory, and ultimately the responsibility falls to me, however, at the last Financial Council meeting I told them that if they collectively feel that as pastor I am not fulfilling my role as a steward they have a moral responsibility to speak out because they are your voice.         
           One of the greatest temptations we have when we have money in the bank is that we tend to spend it on things that we do not need or things that can wait a couple of years. Having money in the bank is a good thing and it has been a blessing for us in recent months. The projects we have undertaken the last couple months are not luxuries but necessities. Security is a necessity, fixing the boiler is a necessity, and repairing odds and ends is a necessity. Stewardship isn’t limited to the theme of money for we must be good stewards of our talents and our time. Each one of us knows all too well how easy it is to lose track of time. We get lost in watching our favorite reruns on television or get lost surfing the web. It’s so easy! We must budget our time wisely. Then we must ask ourselves are we using the gifts God has given us to their fullest potential. Remember all of us have a talent, a talent in which God has given us, a talent which is meant to be shared.       

           Being good stewards, going out into the world can be a daunting task. Yet as we learned from this weekend’s readings our Lord will provide for our needs. He will give us everything we need for the journey.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014


See Pictures from
Our Living Rosary and Adoration 
Held this past 
Sunday Oct 5th.
This was a very wonderful experience for our Parish, all age groups participated.

Thank you to all who worked so very hard to make this happen, and to all who participated.

Our Blessed Mother is Smiling and so is her Son!

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Homily for the 27th Sunday of Ordinary Time...RESPECT LIFE SUNDAY 2014

Homily given at the Saturday Evening 4:30pm Mass for Respect Life Sunday
Homily for the 27th Sunday of Ordinary Time…Pro-life Sunday

Brothers and sisters this first weekend of the month of October is known as Pro-Life Sunday. The Church has been, is, and will forever be pro-life. All Catholics are called to hold the sanctity of every human life from the very moment of conception to natural death. This is not an optional teaching, it is an absolute requirement.

Certainly it’s not always easy being pro-life for many times we are fighting against the perceived notion of popular opinion. Contraception is becoming the norm and widely accepted among Catholics. Engagement of the marital act outside of marriage is becoming more prevalent. There is some good news on the horizon for some are starting to wake up to the travesty of abortions. However, more work must be done.

Abortion is a sin, contraception is a sin, euthanasia is a sin, and any engagement of the marital act outside of the sacrament of marriage is a sin. This is clear Church teaching and it must be taught no matter how unpopular it might be. All of us are sinners and some of us may have fallen into these sins. If that is the case don’t despair, God loves us and He is merciful. Dislike the sin, not the sinner. Parents often make sure their children know when they do something wrong, not for the sake of getting mad, but do so out of love and a desire to protect them. The Church does so because she loves the sinner and wants them all to share in eternal life.

This year’s pro-life theme is “Each of us is a masterpiece of God’s creation.” Yes despite our faults and weaknesses we are a part of that beautiful masterpiece. The sanctity of life and its protection is one of the cornerstones of our faith. As we heard in today’s Gospel from Matthew, “The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone; by the Lord has this been done, and it is wonderful in our eyes?” Do not reject this core teaching of our Church, open your hearts to the Lord, open your hearts to life. Our Lord has a warning for us at the end of Gospel for what could happen if we reject Him, “Therefore, I say to you, the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a people that will produce its fruit.”

My encouragement to you by brothers and sisters is to trust in the Lord’s merciful love. The very fact the Lord provides for us the Sacraments especially the sacrament of reconciliation demonstrates that the Lord does not wish the Kingdom of God to be taken away from us. He desires and He wants us to succeed and to produce fruit. So if you are falling and struggling with sin, please trust in the Lord’s mercy. It is never too late to produce good fruit.
On pro-life Sunday we need to be reminded what constitutes a sin, in order for us to eventually reach our final destination which is awaiting us. However we must be reminded to put our pro-life principals into practice. One of the excuses people use to justify abortion and contraception is because they don’t feel they can handle the financial burden. Here is where those whose children are grown or perhaps don’t have children of their own can help. Consider a donation to Pregnancy and Family Resource Center. For those who might find themselves looking to feed the poor, consider volunteering at the Food Kitchen or making a donation to the Catholic Harvest Food Pantry. It is important for us not to just talk pro-life it is important for us to act pro-life.

All of us are a masterpiece in God’s creation. We are all important and it is important for us to love one another and treat one another with the respect everyone deserves as Children of God. I conclude my reflection by reechoing the closing words of Saint Paul in his letter to the Philippians, “Keep on doing what you have learned and received and heard and seen in me. Then the God of peace will be with you.” Be open to life, protect life, and live life. Keep that front and center and indeed we will feel the peace of God fill us!


The Blessed Mother Statue awaits in our Sanctuary, her procession in the streets in front of our Church on
Sunday, Oct 5th at 2 pm.

The Blessed Sacrament will be exposed for Adoration and praying of our Living Rosary.  To be followed with Benediction and the Blessed Sacrament being processed in the Church.  Light Refreshments will be served in Brenner Hall, following our service.

Come and bring Family and Friends. 

Feast of Saint Francis

Today is the Feast of Saint Francis of Assisi.  Saint Francis is the saint for whom our Holy Father took his name after.  He was known for his rejecting worldly things and lived a life of poverty. Today he is the patron saint of animals and the environment.  

Sadly it was announced today that Father Benedict Groeschel C.F.R. passed away at 11pm last night on the eve of Saint Francis.  Father Groeschel is known for founding the Community of Franciscan Friars of the Renewal and was a gifted preacher.  May he rest in peace!

Finally on the Feast of Saint Francis, Father Carroll would like to formally welcome a new addition to the parish family.  Some of the faculty, staff, and students of Saint Patrick School have already had the opportunity to meet her.  Her name is Daisy and she is a Dalmatian/Blue Heeler.  She is just shy of two years old so still a puppy with a lot of energy.  When someone posed the question if Father C. has another curate, he replied quickly "no we have a new Mother Superior."

Many thanks to Ms. Libby for taking these pictures!

Friday, October 3, 2014


This is Respect Life Sunday!

View this beautiful video on The Miracle of Life!

A Love Letter from Our Father to His Child - You!

For a Copy of the Words Click Here

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Proud to Wear Pink

Mrs. Kathleen Smith, principal of Saint Patrick School pictured here with a few of our students wear pink to bring awareness to breast cancer!  We raise up in our thoughts and prayers all those struggling with this terrible illness.  

Pastoral Reflection for the upcoming weekend

Pastoral Reflection for the 27th Sunday of Ordinary Time

            The first Sunday of October is designated as Respect Life Sunday.  Our readings for this weekend assist us in reflecting on what it means to be pro-life. As Catholics we are called to be open to life in all stages from the very moment of conception until natural death. Being open to life begins even before the moment of conception. 

            As you will hear in my homily, “Holy Mother Church has been, is, and will forever be pro-life.” This is an unchangeable dogma. In fact, the pro-life teaching of the Church is one of the cornerstones of our faith which is becoming more and more rejected by society. We must open our hearts to life! Our great nation is imploding because we have become self-centered. People try to justify abortion and contraception by citing economic reasons but what they don’t realize is the more we become self-centered the more greed begins to take hold and strangles us. Yes, in the short term things will be quite difficult, there is no doubt about that, however life isn't always easy. It is time we step up to the plate and not allow this implosion to continue. Greed and selfishness have ruled our hearts for far too long!  Open your hearts and minds to life, and watch the Lord’s vineyard grow to its full potential.            

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Saint Patrick Catholic School Sixth Grade class visit to the Compassion Experience

On Friday September 19th Mrs. Veil's sixth grade class at St. Patrick School joined by Father Carroll boarded buses and drove over to the LCBC church and walked through a 2,000 square feet interactive exhibit known as "the Compassion Experience."  Our students were able to get a glimpse of what it would be like to live in a third world country, hear stories of real children growing up in these situations all without stepping onto a plane.  

October...the Month of the Rosary...allow the Blessed Mother to bring you to her Son!



St. Patrick School Fifth Grade Science

Mrs. Shanko's fifth grade students are using eggs to represent cells in science class.  Here is some pictures from their work


Each month we will profile one our Parish Ministries to highlight the service and talent within our Parish.

Our First Ministry Corner was a Reflection by Tom Meister on being an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion.
Jesus in the front seat, but who’s driving?

It’s one thing to encounter Jesus in the Eucharist in Church or in the Adoration Chapel. After all, that’s where He invites us to see Him and talk with Him.
It’s another thing entirely to be with Jesus in the front seat of my car driving to Colonial Manor. Not only do I have the spiritual uplift of visiting with 20 or more friends, but I also have the “crowning touch” of having one-on-one “face time” with the Lord of heaven and earth.
When I started my weekly trips to Colonial Manor, I saw myself as “bringing” Jesus to the residents. I was doing the visiting and I was picking Jesus up and taking Him along. But that put pressure on me; what was I to say to the person who was scared of dying or disturbed by being amid so much illness and loneliness?  
I realized that I was putting the focus on myself and not on Christ. I recognized that Christ wanted to visit these folks long before I ever met them. He had simply borrowed my voice, my hands and feet, my eyes and ears for a while, to carry out His ministry to them.
So, in a sense, I no longer place Christ in the passenger seat; instead, He’s “in the driver’s seat,” where He belongs.  I’m happier to be along for the ride with Him.  I serve Him in His ministry, and I am glad to take my lead from Him.

Interested in talking with Tom about this ministry? Contact him at 858-1127. Or if interested in becoming an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion, contact Deacon Michael DeVivo at 347-7350 or